I am so in love. I used to make gnocchi all the time in my tiny, Minneapolis apartment kitchen and am amazed it’s been so long since I whipped up a batch. That all changed tonight!

Homemade Gnocchi

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Potato Gnocchi:

1 pound Russet potatoes

1/2 cup flour, may need more

3 Tablespoons of 1 whisked egg

salt & pepper

Sweet Potato Gnocchi:

1 pound sweet potatoes

1 3/4 cups flour, may need more or less

1 medium egg

1/4 teaspoon cinnamon

salt & pepper


1. For both versions of gnocchi, cook potatoes until tender and mash until smooth.


2. Whisk eggs and add 3 Tablespoons to the white potatoes, and one whole egg to the sweet potatoes. Add seasonings and stir until just combined.


3. Starting with the white potatoes, add 1/2 cup flour and kneed with your hands until just combined. If dough is too sticky, add a little more.


Do the same for the sweet potatoes.


4. Generously flour a clean, dry surface and knead the dough a couple times until it has come together in a ball.

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5. Cut the dough ball into quarters and roll each quarter into a long rope until it’s the width of your index finger.

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6. Using a floured knife, cut the rope into one inch sections.

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7. Hold a fork, curved side up with one hand and with the thumb of your other hand, gently roll the dough from the top of the curve, to the bottom, keeping your thumb in contact with the dough the whole time.

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You’ve created gnocchi!

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8. Continue rolling your gnocchi until you’ve gone through the rest of the dough.

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Don’t worry if they don’t look perfect. You’ll get better with practice and they still taste the same, no matter how they look!

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9. Repeat steps 4-6 with the sweet potato dough.

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You can roll these segments over a fork, or keep as-is, for a nice textural difference.

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10. If you don’t plan to eat your gnocchi right away, place them on a cookie sheet and into the freezer until hard, ~20 minutes.

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Transfer to a freezer bag and store in the freezer for 4-6 months. Just like homemade Butternut Squash Ravioli and Gyoza, these cook the same from the freezer as they do fresh!


Gnocchi with Garlic Butter



Fresh or frozen Gnocchi


Minced garlic

Salt & Pepper


1. Bring a large pot of water to boil. Season water with salt and add gnocchi. Cook until the gnocchi float to the top. Gently drain.


2. In a large skillet, melt butter over medium-high heat. Add garlic and cook, stirring constantly, until light brown, ~30 seconds. Add gnocchi, salt & pepper, and sauté until golden brown.

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3. Serve immediately.


Pillowy, chewy, slightly firm and ABsolutely outstanding! The quick sauté in butter and garlic give them a nice little crust and on the outside. TDF.


AND, I am proud to say, I have successfully converted Ben to a sweet potato lover with this recipe. :D Sound the alarms!


Gnocchi’s are fantastic to create on a lazy weekend afternoon, and then cook up on a busy weeknight. Straight from the freezer, to the water, to the pan – and right to your plate!
