My reasons for working out on a regular basis are wide and varied, but when I put pen to paper cursor to word doc, these 5 reasons rise right to the top:

margaritas (source)

1. So I can eat all the glorious, olive oil brushed, prosciutto laced, cheese stuffed paninis from adorable, affordable, accessible new French places in town that I want!

Some co-workers and I hit up Tartine…an adorable, affordable, accessible new French place in town…for lunch today, and the Prosciutto Panini I ordered was so crispy, I’m certain they heard my first bite down in Texas. I must know how they do this. These are the things that keep me up at night.

2. See #1.

3. For my physical health. Gotta’ keep the ol’ ticker and other vital organs in tip top shape.

4. See #1. For my mental health. I’m not a running is cheaper than therapy! type person, but you can’t argue with a feel-good flow of endorphins brought on by a good sweat sesh. Self made medicine, for the win!

5. So I don’t have to wash my face before bed. It’s true. Having to wash your face before bed is seriously the pits, but if you workout in the evening then take a shower – voila! – no splish-splashing when you’re half asleep at 10pm later that night. Sometimes it’s all I need to think about to push myself into that workout I’m dreading…

Like tonight, for instance. Oooo, that sandwich at lunch was absolutely mouthwatering, but definitely heavier than what I usually devour around noon on a normal day. When 5pm rolled around I was absolutely dragging – feeling heavy and lethargic.

The thought of hunching over the bathtub scrubbing my face in 5 hours, inevitably getting my hair, t-shirt and bathroom floor soaking wet, proved too much to bear though, and was just the push I needed to get out the door for a 4 mile run on the trail.

It was slow, but it was good. And HOT! I don’t think I’ve told you, but we have been rocking 80 degree weather here all week. The Midwest likes to keep you on your toes like that.


What is your #1 reason for working out?